Year 5

Welcome to our Year 5 page. Here you can enjoy looking at photos of our learning and access important information related to Year 5 life.  
Class Teachers
SB5 - Mr Sadler and Mrs Brace-Smith
SH5 - Mrs Huckle
TH5 - Mr Hodgkiss

Autumn Term:

During the first half of the Autumn term we will be learning all about the Ancient Greeks. The children will be exploring and analysing Greek mythology, as well as writing their own myths. In the second half of the Autumn term we will be exploring space and what lies beyond the earth. We will also be reading ‘Leon and the Place Between’ as our class text creating out own narrative based on entering a special portal!


Spring Term:

During the Spring term we will be exploring the world of the Anglo-Saxons and how Britain was right up until the time of the Vikings. We will be doing an author study on Michael Morpurgo, focussing on on his version of the poem ‘Beowulf’. We will also be exploring the Olde English version of the text and expanding our vocabulary to identify the language the Anglo Saxons may have used!


Summer Term:

For our final term we will be exploring the world of Rivers before moving on to the topic of sustainability – looking at how we have an impact on the world around us and how we can help look after this Earth of us. Our class text will be ‘The Nowhere Emporium’ where the children will be creating their very own wonder rooms!

Half-Termly Overview
Click below to find out more about the learning in Year 5 this half-term.
For further information about our curriculum, please click here.
Parents Evenings
Parents Evenings will be taking place over the coming weeks. These will be video appointments this year. Please watch the video which shows you how to book, and how the appointment will work.
Learning activities can now be found on our Remote Learning Platform - See-Saw. All children should have a code to access See-Saw, which they will be able to use to complete and upload activities to. 
There are a set of four really helpful videos to watch - they will show you how to access learning activities, how to save them and send them to your teacher, and how your teacher will respond to you. Thank-you to Mr Folly for putting these together.
Charanga / Yumu
We will be using a resource called Yumu for Music (it's also called Charanga). There is a helpful video on how to use the site for lessons to watch too.